How to use dns-sd

Today I was troubleshooting why some of my smart home devices weren’t showing up on my Wi-Fi network. Turns out, not all of them are going to show up correctly. In order to find them, you may need to run some mDNS queries with dns-sd installed by default on macOS.

First, you can query what types of protocols are available to you.

dns-sd -B _services._dns-sd._udp | awk '{ print $NF }'

After some filtering/cleanup, my list looked like this.


You may query each one of them with the following command

dns-sd -B _ltpdu._udp.

and may get something like this in response

Instance Name
Nanoleaf A19 DE0-EB91
Nanoleaf A19 1WWJ
Nanoleaf A19 96M2
Nanoleaf A19 4565
Nanoleaf A19 3R4X

Let’s query one of them

dns-sd -L "Nanoleaf A19 DE0-EB91" _ltpdu._udp.

and we get

Nanoleaf\032A19\032DE0-EB91._ltpdu._udp.local. can be reached at B6A77EC42FDCBA97.local.:5653 (interface 15)
 xp=609841E38E704518 srcvers=3.2.0 md=NL67 eui64=B43A31FFFED909F7 id=EB91

Now let’s do another query

dns-sd -G v4 B6A77EC42FDCBA97.local.:5653

We get the follwoing. I removed IP address for security reasons.

Hostname                      Address         TTL
B6A77EC42FDCBA97.local.:5653. <REDACTED>      77

It seems to point to some DigitalOcean server in New York. I guess that’s an investigation for another day.


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Currently, I work as a DevOps Engineer at Apple. My interests include Backend Engineering, Networking and Math related to CS.

You can reach out to me via LinkedIn or check my resume here.