Useful Websites

Linux From Scratch

The only way to learn is to build something yourself. Try to go through this course and you will have a better understanding of the way Linux works.

Django Con 2023

I probably won’t ever watch all the videos from here, but I’d like to keep this here as a reminder to come back.

C Gibberish to English

An amazing website to convert complicated C declarations into English.

Anki for CS

I don’t remember why I bookmarked this, but it was probably important. Will come back to this at some point.

A knowledgebase

Honestly, stuff like this may overwhelm you. The way I learn concepts the best is I just stumble onto them again and again.

AWS Flashcards

Honestly, to hell with AWS. Still, this is kinda fun to learn.

Structuring a Python project

When I work with python, it’s kinda hard to structure the project properly. It isn’t like Java, where you have a rigid system. This guide helped me learn better ways.


I'm Daniil Kistanov. Welcome to my blog Subscribe

Currently, I work as a DevOps Engineer at Apple. My interests include Backend Engineering, Networking and Math related to CS.

You can reach out to me via LinkedIn or check my resume here.