Generating RSA keys in pure python
At the end of the article, we will be able to run our python code and generate private
RSA keys similar to this openssl genrsa
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
If you don’t know anything about RSA and public key cryptography, I would recommend starting with this wikipedia article and this youtube video by the amazing Eddie Woo.
Operating on large numbers
By design, most modern programming languages can handle integers up to 2^128 natively. For anything larger than that, we would use specialised libraries like GMP. We’re in luck though, because python natively supports arbitrary large numbers. They’re not fast, but when it comes to programming in python, you’re not looking for speed anyway.
- Generate 2 primes
, each 1024 bit length. - Compute
- Compute
, whereλ
is a Carmichael function. - choose number
. For our case, e will be 65537, which is the most commonly chosen value. - Determine
, wherede ≡ 1 (mod λ(n))
. - Use the generated numbers to encode a useful
Functions we’ll need
First, here’s a function to read 1024 bits from /dev/random
def generate_random_number():
with open('/dev/random', 'rb') as f:
rand_bytes =
rand_int = int.from_bytes(rand_bytes, 'big')
return rand_int
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
Least common denominator or lcm
def lcm(p, q):
p -= 1
q -= 1
return (p * q) // gcd(p, q)
Inverse mod
def mod_inv(e, mod):
if gcd(e, mod) != 1:
return None
u1, u2, u3 = 1, 0, e
v1, v2, v3 = 0, 1, mod
while v3 != 0:
q = u3 // v3
v1, v2, v3, u1, u2, u3 = (u1 - q * v1), (u2 - q * v2), (u3 - q * v3), v1, v2, v3
return u1 % mod
sieve check to speed up the process
def quick_sieve_check(candidate):
first_hundred_primes = {***}
for prime in first_hundred_primes:
if candidate % prime == 0:
return True
return False
Finally, the Miller-Rabin primality test that can be found on page 72 of this doc
def miller_rabin_primality_test(candidate):
if candidate % 2 == 0:
return False
if quick_sieve_check(candidate):
return False
minus_one = candidate - 1
m = copy(minus_one)
a = 0
while m % 2 == 0:
m >>= 1
a += 1
miller_rabin_iterations = 4
for _ in range(miller_rabin_iterations):
base = random_in_range(2, candidate - 1)
z = pow(base, minus_one, candidate)
if z in (1, minus_one):
for _ in range(1, a):
z = pow(z, 2, candidate)
if z == minus_one:
if z == 1:
return False
return False
return True
generate p and q
Generate p
is staight-forward. Keep trying until you pass the
primality test we outlined above.
def generate_prime_p():
candidate = 1
probably_prime = False
while not probably_prime:
candidate = generate_random_number()
if gcd(candidate - 1, 65537) != 1:
probably_prime = miller_rabin_primality_test(candidate)
return candidate
Generate q is slightly different. Our initial filter function has extra steps. Besides doing the GCD step, we unsure that our candidate is larger than the min distance number.
MIN_DISTANCE = 1 << (1024 // 2 - 100)
def generate_prime_q(p):
def q_filter(candidate):
return gcd(candidate - 1, 65537) == 1 and abs(candidate - p) > MIN_DISTANCE
candidate = 1
probably_prime = False
while not probably_prime:
candidate = generate_random_number()
if not q_filter(candidate):
probably_prime = miller_rabin_primality_test(candidate)
return candidate
This is how our main function will look like
if __name__ == "__main__":
e = 65537
p = generate_prime_p()
q = generate_prime_q(p)
n = p * q
lcm = lcm(p, q)
d = mod_inv(65537, lcm)
Encoding the key to .pem
During the writing of this article I have been stuck trying to encode the actual keys to the pem files without using any external libraries. I will publish the update as soon as I have time to figure it out :)
For now, you may use most basic python crypto libraries and take the numbers we have generated and turn them into a real key.
All of the code written so far can be found in this github gist.