A reminder about my best ICPC performance

This URL leads to the evidence of my team’s “stellar” performance for 2nd division of ICPC.

During college I’ve participated in some competitive programming contests. 2019 Pacific Northwest Regional Contest was my best performance to date. It was a good mix of problems, 2 them we solved by doing a good pair programming session. My teammate Steve knew how to solve it in his head, but it would take more time writing it in his preferred language C. I was able to use his instructions and some python magic to come up with a solution.

These challenges don’t exactly reflect your Software Engineering skills, but I found that the guys who performed the best at ICPC at my college all got hired by top companies without exceptions.


I'm Daniil Kistanov. Welcome to my blog Subscribe

Currently, I work as a DevOps Engineer at Apple. My interests include Backend Engineering, Networking and Math related to CS.

You can reach out to me via LinkedIn or check my resume here.